Slobodan Maletic
2 min readMay 8, 2023

Expedition notes 2: Insights while running 400km

Like in the previous article, these notes are just - notes, waiting to be eventually shaped into something meaningful and structured.

Some circumstances repeated themselves during this venture. And I must constantly remind myself that I will not be ready for this venture. Or at least I will not know whether I'm ready.

While running between two checkpoints (read towns), sometimes it gets hard; doubt overwhelms me. I got into a critical situation. I want to stop, but the thought emerges: 'It is hard just at this moment, or a few hard moments. Unpleasantness will end at some point. Just continue running.' And I continue. Then comes check-in at the accommodation. And a new day starts at that moment. I adapted to this new environment by arranging my everyday life there, like I would not stay for less than 24 hours. Find a grocery store, a local restaurant, someplace outside to chill out, cook meals, take a walk, eat dinner, … Well, like everyday life at any other place. And hard moments? I don't even remember them. Tomorrow is a new challenge and task to be done.

Then it seems that every day is the same. Get up, run, get in accommodation, rest, … But, every day is different. Get up. I run in a completely new environment, which I've never seen before. Get into new challenging situations that I have to solve. Get into accommodation in a different town. Well, changing perspectives when viewing the same thing, event, or experience, makes a more colorful view of life's manifestations. Even generally. Looking at some wicked problem or situation by becoming in your mind different imagined persons makes a kind of multidimensional perspective.

One way or another, I came to this multi-thing that obviously influenced my view on the world's complexity.

Slobodan Maletic

researcher of math and physics applications in complex systems; wanderer in the complexity of systems